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Athletic Documents


For students interested in pursuing athletics in college, we are happy to help provide information and resources to help you with the process.

As you get started, we recommended visiting the NCAA Eligibility Center.

Also check out the NCAA Guide for the College Bound Student-Athlete, which is an extremely useful document for students and parents.


Students who intend to participate in intercollegiate sports during their freshman year in college are encouraged to know both the NCAA and NAIA requirements (high school courses, ACT/SAT scores, GPA) for participation. NCAA Division I and II participants must register with the NCAA Eligibility Center.

For detailed information, go to the NCAA Student Information page.
  1. In addition to a high school diploma, the NCAA has scaled requirements for eligibility.
    1. Click on [Student-Athlete Registration]
    2. Read all of this information carefully, including the checklist. It is your responsibility to monitor your own initial-eligibility progress
    3. Look for their List of Approved Core Courses. Important!! Be sure to check that you are taking the correct EHS courses to meet the 'Core Courses' requirement!
    4. If you have any questions, be sure to contact your school counselor.

    If needed to register: our school code is 460135 (Essex High School)

  2. For NCAA Division III, eligibility for financial aid, practice, and competition is governed by institutional and other NCAA regulations.

    Please be sure you check out institutional regulations with the college athletic department's compliance officer.

  3. For NAIA requirements
    1. Go to
    2. Visit the Eligibility Center
    3. Check out the NAIA Schools list
    4. Register using the NAIA Eligibility tool

  4. If you are requesting information about a particular athletic program, take the time to find out the name of the coach.

  5. If you are being recruited by a particular university, make sure you talk to the admissions office, not just the athletic department.

  6. If you want to play a sport in college, you should do more research than just talking to the coach. Once you have narrowed down your list of colleges to 5 schools or less, your college search should include watching a practice and talking to players on the team.

  7. You should also make sure that:
    1. Either the team you are interested in does not have restrictions on college majors, or
    2. If they do, make sure the restrictions do not affect the major(s) in which you may be interested